
Atom is a cross platform editor. The site hosts the most up to date installation instructions.

Install Plugins

Plugins are optional and can enhance your text editing experience. If you are ever editing files in a particular language and having trouble, take a look for some syntax.

Go to Settings -> Packages. Search for 'atom-beautify', and install. Do the same for 'language-yaml', 'indent-guide-improved' and 'linter-js-yaml'.

Remote Editing

Remote FTP

The remote-ftp plugin reads your plugin through ssh.

Optional - Set up SSH Keys

For this to work can set up ssh keys.

mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
#Just hit enter here
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]


With SSH Keys

If you followed the previous step to set up ssh keys, or already had then setup, use the following configuration, while obviously changing the user and remote.

"protocol": "sftp",
"host": "", 
"port": 22,
"user": "NETID", // Change this to your netid
"remote": "/scratch/NETID", //Change this to your netid
"privatekey": "/home/LOCAL_USER/.ssh/id_rsa", //Change this to the homedirectory on your local computer
"secure": true,
"secureOptions": null, 
"connTimeout": 10000,
"pasvTimeout": 10000, 
"keepalive": 10000,
"watch":[ // array - Paths to files, directories, or glob patterns that are watched and when edited outside of the atom editor are uploaded. Default : []
"./dist/stylesheets/main.css", // reference from the root of the project.
Without SSH Keys
"protocol": "sftp",
"host": "", 
"port": 22, 
"user": "NETID", //Change this to your netid
"remote": "/scratch/NETID", //Change this to your netid
"promptForPass": true, 
"secure": true, 
"secureOptions": null,
"connTimeout": 10000, 
"pasvTimeout": 10000,
"keepalive": 10000, 
"watch":[ // array - Paths to files, directories, or glob patterns that are watched and when edited outside of the atom editor are uploaded. Default : []
"./dist/stylesheets/main.css", // reference from the root of the project.
"watchTimeout":500 // integer - The duration ( in milliseconds ) from when the file was last changed for the upload to begin.

Add a project folder in Atom. Select the main toolbar -> Packages -> Remote FTP -> Toggle. Select 'Edit Configuration'. Cut and paste the appropriate configuration. Save the file, and select 'Connect'.

Other packages

There are other packages, but I have not been able to get them to work. Your mileage may vary.

SSH Mount

Finally, you can always just set up an ssh mount, but then you need to make sure the directory is mounted each time you want to edit.

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